2024 Field Service Crisis: Worker Shortages and Sky-High Demands

field service workers

It's a typical Monday morning in 2024. Sarah, a seasoned commercial cleaning company owner, starts her day with a familiar mix of determination and trepidation. As she reviews the day's schedule for her field service workers, she can't help but reflect on how much the industry has changed in recent years.

The global field service market, including cleaning services, has been on a meteoric rise and is expected to expand by 86% between now and 2032. This growth should be cause for celebration, but Sarah knows all too well the challenges that come with it.

As she sips her coffee, Sarah thinks about the three major hurdles that she - and likely you, as a field service business owner or manager - face daily:

A Shrinking Workforce: The pool of skilled field service workers is dwindling at an alarming rate. The number of young applicants pursuing careers in skilled trades has dropped by nearly 50% since 2020, making it more challenging to find and retain qualified workers.

Intensifying Competition: The field service market has seen a surge in new businesses. U.S. field service companies have increased by 20% since 2019, leading to fiercer competition and pressure on profit margins.

Rising Customer Expectations: Today's clients demand more than ever before. A staggering 74% of mobile field service workers report that customer expectations are higher than they used to be, with 73% of clients expecting a more personalized touch.

Can you relate to Sarah’s struggles as a field service business owner or manager?

Key Takeaways:

  • Triple Challenge in 2024: Businesses face a shrinking workforce, intensified competition, and rising customer expectations, forcing them to deliver better service with fewer resources.

  • GPS Time Tracking as a Game-Changing Solution: This technology combats time theft, provides real-time cost insights, and ensures compliance, allowing companies to maximize efficiency and meet high demands.

  • Smart Implementation: Success with GPS tracking requires clear communication, addressing privacy concerns, and ongoing training to ensure employee buy-in and effective adoption.

Table of Contents:

  1. How to Navigate the Perfect Storm in the Field Service Industry

  2. GPS Time Tracking: The Secret Weapon for Field Service Businesses

  3. Tackling Time Theft and Boosting Accountability

  4. Taking Control of Your Labor Costs with Real-Time Insights

  5. Data-Driven Projections: Unlocking Predictive Labor Costs

  6. Breaking Down Language Barriers in Your Diverse Team

  7. Navigating the Compliance Maze with Confidence

  8. Rewarding Skilled Work: Set Different Pay Rates for Various Tasks 

  9. Implementing GPS Time Tracking: A Human Approach

  10. Your Field Service Business, Transformed

  11. FAQs

How to Navigate the Perfect Storm in the Field Service Industry

Service business navigating stormThree intertwined challenges have created a perfect storm for field service businesses like yours. Market conditions require you to do more with less—deliver higher-quality, more personalized service with a smaller team while competing in an increasingly crowded market.

How do you navigate these choppy waters? Is there a comprehensive yet easy-to-use solution to give your field service business a competitive advantage? The answer is yes!

Field service business owners are turning to GPS time-tracking technology to help manage their mobile workforce and maintain high customer satisfaction. Let's explore how this software innovation can help you weather these challenges and turn them into opportunities for growth and excellence.

GPS Time Tracking: The Secret Weapon for Field Service Businesses

You might be thinking, "GPS time tracking? Isn't that just a fancy way to clock in and out?" But in the field service industry, especially commercial cleaning, it's so much more. Let’s dive in and discover 6 ways a GPS time clock system can help you conquer your top challenges in 2024 and beyond. 

1 - Tackling Time Theft and Boosting Accountability

Service business-tackling time theftTime theft is costing you more than you realize. Consider this: Employee time theft costs U.S. employers more than $400 billion annually in lost wages and productivity. The financial impact on your business could be staggering.

Here's how a timekeeping system like Chronotek Pro can help you combat this issue:

1 - Set Up Geofences 

Create virtual boundaries around job sites. Chronotek Pro will alert you when employees clock in and out outside of the geofences and if they leave while on the clock. 

2 - Guarantee On-Site Clock-Ins

Leverage Pro’s exclusive clock-in technology: Use NFC-enabled TimeTiles™ to ensure physical presence for clock-ins. These small, durable tiles can be placed strategically within a job site. Employees must physically tap their devices on the tile to clock in, eliminating any possibility of off-site clock-ins. 

3 - Get Real-time Alerts

Receive instant notifications for late arrivals and no-shows. No more wondering if your team made it to a job on time. You'll know instantly if someone is running late or never shows.

Chronotek Pro Makes Your Dollars Work Harder

Implementing such a system might seem daunting at first. You might worry about employee pushback or the learning curve. But imagine the peace of mind knowing that every hour you're paying for is an hour of actual work done. It's not about distrust but fairness and efficiency for your entire team.

The anti-time theft features of Chronotek Pro directly combat your three main challenges by maximizing workforce efficiency, reducing labor costs, and ensuring consistent service quality. By preventing time theft and improving accountability, businesses can do more with fewer workers, gain a competitive edge, and meet rising customer expectations. The system's ability to save thousands in labor costs annually provides resources for growth, employee retention, and improved customer service.

For example, one Chronotek Pro customer discovered he was losing 4 minutes on clock-in and 4 minutes on clock-out for every employee because they were clocking in and out from the job site parking lot. TimeTiles™ prevented this time theft practice and saved him over $34,000 a year in time card waste. A simple change in operations management recaptured precious resources for marketing efforts, employee training and bonuses, and searching for new ways to grow his cleaning business.  

2 - Taking Control of Your Labor Costs with Real-Time Insights

live-labor-dollarsIn the commercial cleaning business, profit margins can be razor-thin. Every dollar counts, and understanding where those dollars go in real-time can make the difference between profitability and financial distress.

With live labor cost reporting, you can:

1 - Get Real-time Visibility

Access instant information on labor costs at each job site. Imagine pulling up a dashboard on your computer and seeing exactly how much you've spent on labor for each client, updated to the minute. Information typically buried in a spreadsheet you knew only after doing payroll is now visible in real-time and living color. 

2 - See Detailed Breakdowns

View costs by employee, job, travel time, and overtime. You'll see how much time and money is spent on tasks like floor cleaning, window washing, or sanitizing, helping you price your services more accurately.

3 - Track Budgets 

Compare actual costs against set budgets in real time—no more end-of-month surprises. You'll know immediately if a job is running over budget, allowing you to make adjustments on the fly.

4 - Manage Proactively

Make immediate adjustments to staffing when needed. If you see a job trending over budget, you can quickly reassign resources or adjust schedules to bring it back in line. Or you may see a job significantly under budget, which is a potential quality control red flag. With customers demanding higher quality, it’s just as vital to have real-time oversight of jobs where employees are underperforming. 


3 - Data-Driven Projections: Unlocking Predictive Labor Costs

Service business-forecasting dataBut why stop at real-time data when you can peer into the future? The ability to forecast future labor costs, including overtime and travel time, is a game-changer for your scheduling and budgeting, giving you a light-year’s advantage over the competition. 

With predictive features, you can:

1 - Forecast Future Costs

Accurately estimate upcoming labor expenses. Chronotek Pro can project your labor costs for the upcoming weeks and months by analyzing current time card data and future schedules.

2 - Predict Overtime

Identify potential overtime before it occurs. The Pro system flags when an employee is approaching overtime hours, allowing you to adjust schedules and avoid unnecessary overtime costs. Pro also shows when a job is scheduled for future overtime, including the time it takes to drive between jobs.

3 - Estimate Travel Time

Calculate expected travel costs between job sites. The travel time feature is essential in remaining compliant with the Department of Labor’s requirement to pay for drive time between job sites. But Chronotek Pro’s ability to predict future travel time especially helps if you bill for travel time. Seeing too much forecasted travel time allows you to reassign schedules to reduce travel expenses.

4 - Plan for Capacity

Optimize scheduling and resource allocation. With a clear view of future labor needs, you can make informed hiring, training, and resource allocation decisions.

This predictive capability could transform how you manage your team and interact with clients, moving you from a reactive to a proactive approach. For instance, you might discover that specific clients consistently require more labor hours than estimated because of their higher demands. With this information, you could adjust your pricing or work with the client to optimize the cleaning process. 

4 - Breaking Down Language Barriers in Your Diverse Team

Service business-diverse work teamIf you're like many field service companies, you probably employ a culturally diverse workforce. Communication challenges can lead to costly misunderstandings and errors. But with multilingual support in your GPS time tracking system, you can bridge these gaps effortlessly. 

Moreover, with a dwindling workforce and fewer young people entering the trades, a communication tool accessible in over 35 languages expands your hiring pool, opening doors to a more diverse range of talented workers.

Key communication features to look for in a GPS time-tracking app:

1 - Multilingual Messaging

Automatic translation of messages. Send a message in English, and your Spanish-speaking employee receives it in Spanish. Their reply comes back to you in English. Easy. Practical. Powerful. 

2 - Job and Team Boards

Dedicated spaces for specific instructions and updates. Post detailed work instructions or safety protocols, and Chronotek Pro will instantly translate them for all team members.

3 - Must-Read Company Announcements

One-way, view-only messages. Ensure team members see critical messages immediately, regardless of language barriers.

4 - Two-way Communication

Employees can easily respond or ask questions. This feature encourages open communication, fosters employee buy-in, and helps resolve issues quickly.

Imagine the potential conflicts and costly mistakes you could avoid with clear, translated instructions available to all your team members, regardless of their primary language. For example, you could quickly clarify specific cleaning requirements for a new client, ensuring every team member understands the expectations perfectly, regardless of their native language. This advantage is beneficial in communicating the high demands of specific customers. 

5 - Navigating the Compliance Maze with Confidence

Service business-compliance mazeLabor law compliance is probably one of your biggest headaches. The web of federal and state regulations can seem impossibly complex, and the consequences of non-compliance can be severe. Consider the case of a Tennessee home healthcare service provider that had to pay $358,675 in back wages to resolve overtime violations due to workers' misclassification

An unnecessary, expensive labor lawsuit harms your efforts to remain competitive in a tight labor market and meet high customer demands. But you can easily avoid compliance issues. 

Safeguard your business against costly compliance pitfalls with these 3 tools:

1 - Automatic Overtime Calculation

Based on federal and state laws. Chronotek Pro can handle complex overtime rules, including California's intricate overtime regulations. Concerning overtime, remember that 2024 ushered in a new overtime law for salaried workers. This new rule raised the salary threshold, making many lower-paid salaried employees eligible for overtime pay. As a result, many field service businesses are converting formerly salaried employees to hourly employees whose time needs tracking. 

2 - Break and Meal Period Tracking

Ensures compliance with labor regulations. Some states require specific break times for shifts of certain lengths. For example, California requires a half-hour meal break after five hours of work unless the employee completes the workday in six hours or less and the employee and employer agree to waive the meal period. 

Chronotek Pro streamlines break management for field service businesses. Employees can quickly start and end breaks using the app, with break times automatically recorded on their time cards for compliance verification. This feature allows managers to verify break compliance quickly, edit entries if necessary, and ensure accurate work hours tracking. 

By maintaining detailed break records, Chronotek Pro helps businesses effortlessly adhere to labor regulations while simplifying employee time management.

3 - Travel Time Compensation

Accurately records and pays for required travel. As mentioned, the FLSA requires businesses to pay their employees for travel time between job sites. Chronotek Pro’s travel time feature automatically captures drive time when employees clock in and out of different job site locations, making compliance a breeze! Automatically capturing drive time is also a way of soothing employee concerns about getting paid for their work commutes. In a tight labor market, retaining your best employees is essential. 

6 - Rewarding Skilled Work: Set Different Pay Rates for Various Tasks 

Service business-biohazard clean upChronotek Pro's customizable pay rate feature accommodates different rates for various job types, allowing you to fairly compensate employees based on their skills and the complexity of their tasks. For instance, you can easily set higher rates for specialized services like biohazard cleanup compared to regular cleaning duties.

This flexible system does more than just simplify payroll - it's a powerful tool for both employee and customer retention in many ways:

1 - Team Growth and Retention

Build and maintain a skilled workforce. By offering fair, skill-based compensation, you can increase job satisfaction among current employees and attract talented professionals to your company. This approach is critical in a competitive job market, positioning your business as an employer of choice for skilled workers.

2 - Quality Service

Encourage better work habits. Employees who feel compensated fairly are more likely to deliver high-quality service, directly impacting customer satisfaction and loyalty.

3 - Customer Retention

Keep customers happy. Consistently high-quality service, delivered by satisfied employees, leads to happy, loyal customers - a crucial advantage in a competitive market.

By aligning pay with the value of work performed, you create a win-win situation: employees feel valued and fairly compensated, leading to higher retention rates, while customers receive better service, increasing their loyalty to your business. In today's challenging field service landscape, this feature helps you address the triple threat of a shrinking workforce, intense competition, and rising customer expectations.

Implementing GPS Time Tracking: A Human Approach

GPS-time-clock-app-admin-screen-1While the benefits of GPS time tracking are clear, remember that your employees are the heart of your business. The key to success lies in using best practices to implement and communicate about this new technology.

Best Practices for Adopting a GPS Time Tracking System

1 - Start Small

Begin with a pilot program in one building or with a small team. Testing the system allows you to work out any kinks and gather feedback before a full rollout. We suggest 3-5 employees and a field supervisor.

2 - Communicate Clearly

Explain the benefits to your employees, emphasizing pay accuracy, better communication,  and simplified tracking. Be transparent about how the system works and how your company will use it.

3 - Address Concerns

Be upfront about privacy, clarifying that tracking only occurs during work hours. Explain that the "Always Allow" location setting on apps like Chronotek Pro doesn't mean you are tracking workers off the clock; the setting provides the best GPS tracking. 

4 - Provide Training

Offer ongoing education on system use and features. Consider appointing "champions" within your team who can help their colleagues adapt to the new system. Communicate lessons and insights using Chronotek Pro’s messaging platform. 

5 - Listen and Adapt

Encourage employee feedback and be ready to make adjustments. Your team's input can be invaluable in fine-tuning the system to work best for your specific needs.

Your Field Service Business, Transformed

As you consider implementing GPS time tracking in your field service business, imagine the transformation it could bring. Picture yourself at the end of a workday, confident that your team has been exactly where they should be, doing the excellent work you're known for. Imagine the peace of mind that comes with knowing your labor costs are under control, your compliance is in check, and your operations are running at peak efficiency.

Think about the competitive edge you'd gain. While other field service businesses still grapple with paper timesheets and manual processes, you're leveraging real-time data to make informed decisions. You can provide the personalized service that 73% of customers now expect because you have the tools to manage your resources effectively.

In the world of commercial cleaning and field services, where the difference between success and failure often comes down to the details, GPS time tracking is more than just a technological tool. It's a partner in efficiency, a guardian of compliance, and a key to unlocking the potential of every team member.

One thing is clear: as your industry continues to evolve: embracing this technology could position your business to survive and thrive in the competitive landscape of 2024 and beyond. The question isn't whether you can afford to implement GPS time tracking – it's whether you can afford not to.

Are you ready to revolutionize your field service business? The future of efficient, compliant, and profitable operations is within your reach. It's time to take the first step towards transforming your business with GPS time-tracking technology.



1 - What are the main challenges facing field service businesses in 2024?

The three main challenges are a shrinking workforce, intensifying competition, and rising customer expectations.

2 - How can GPS time tracking help combat time theft?

Chronotek Pro's GPS time tracking uses geofences and on-site clock-in technology to ensure employees are physically present when clocking in and out, preventing off-site time logging.

3 - What is the benefit of real-time labor cost reporting?

It provides instant visibility into labor costs at each job site, allowing for immediate adjustments to staffing and budgets as needed.

4 - How does predictive labor cost forecasting work?

Chronotek Pro analyzes current time card data and future schedules to project upcoming labor expenses, including potential overtime and travel costs.

5 - Can GPS time tracking help with multi-lingual workforces?

 Yes, Chronotek Pro offers multilingual support, including automatic translation of messages and job instructions.

6 - How does GPS time tracking assist with labor law compliance?

Chronotek Pro automatically calculates overtime, tracks break and meal periods, and records required travel time compensation in accordance with labor regulations.

7 - Can GPS time tracking accommodate different pay rates for various tasks?

Yes, Pro allows for customizable pay rates based on job types or skill levels.

8 - What are the best practices for implementing GPS time tracking?

 Start with a small pilot program, communicate clearly with employees, address privacy concerns, provide thorough training, and be open to feedback.

9 - How can GPS time tracking help businesses compete in a crowded market?

Businesses can gain a competitive edge by improving efficiency, reducing costs, and enabling better service quality.

10 - Is GPS time tracking only beneficial for large field service companies?

No, businesses of all sizes can benefit from the improved efficiency, cost control, and compliance assistance that GPS time tracking provides.



The field service industry faces significant challenges in 2024, including a shrinking workforce, intensifying competition, and rising customer expectations. These intertwined issues create a perfect storm, requiring businesses to do more with less while maintaining high-quality, personalized service.

GPS time-tracking technology emerges as a powerful solution to these challenges:

1. Combats time theft and boosts accountability
2. Provides real-time insights into labor costs
3. Offers predictive labor cost forecasting
4. Breaks down language barriers in diverse teams
5. Ensures compliance with labor laws
6. Allows for fair compensation through customizable pay rates

Implementing this technology requires a thoughtful, human-centered approach, including clear communication, addressing concerns, and providing adequate training.

By embracing GPS time-tracking solutions, field service businesses can transform their operations, gaining a competitive edge in efficiency, compliance, and profitability. This technology isn't just an operational tool—it's a key to unlocking the full potential of field service teams and meeting the evolving demands of the industry in 2024 and beyond.

Try Out Chronotek Pro On Your Own Terms!

Experience the unprecedented control you can have over your workforce operations through our all-in-one app. If at any time you need help, we’re just a click or phone call away.